Become your child’s hero today!
Your child deserves a better life regardless of the challenges. You are about to learn how to become a hero and help your child cope with learning disabilities.
- Coping With The Early Stages of Your Child’s Disability
- Understanding Your Child’s Temperament and Learning Style
- Meeting Your Child’s Emotional Needs
Tools and Skills Covered
basic level
Effective Discipline and Understanding Your Child’s Processing Disorder
elementary level
Understanding and Helping to Manage Your Child’s Stressors
intermediate level
Dealing With The Inevitable: Times of Emotional Crisis
Why Should You Read The Book
As a parent, receiving the news that your child has a learning disability can be overwhelming. Not only are you deeply concerned about your child’s future, but it can also be scary to face your own new responsibilities and challenges.
About Author
Matthew L. Cox
"Tempore ut mauris aenean cillum ultrices nunc aliqu auris aenean mpore utma. Neque duis, nihil cum ad totam nesciunt felis ."
About Author
Erica Walkingstick
Erica is a cul caet at. Mihicam hos hossed C. Si tas detist perissulicto vilintribus etorit gra, consupe stiorurnis, ceperum ia vidinti aecure, culla ni peripte liquit. Fuid acchus etraeter que plii conit virissidem iam aucerec eperte elisquidius comnorit, utelium te niam qua conine eliam licam, que cae ex nonlocus mihicissil hos vis. Nihilibus suam patrum oribus, C. Vervit gra con ina, ommoent. consilibut pubit diena, tatquide aris essimuratus locre, taridi silissum actum fat. Tantrum it.
"Tempore ut mauris aenean cillum ultrices nunc aliqu auris aenean mpore utma. Neque duis, nihil cum ad totam nesciunt felis ."
The Courage To Learn Differently
Help Your Learning Disabled Child Create a Happy, Fulfilling Life.
The Courage to Learn Differently: Help Your Learning Disabled Child Create a Happy, Fulfilling Life offers you a set of user-friendly, practical tools for navigating the day-to-day social, emotional, and learning difficulties that your child will face both at home and at school, from early childhood through high school and beyond.