About The Authors
Matthew L. Cox
Matthew L. Cox is a speaker, coach, counselor, author, and learning disabled person who co-founded “The Never Give Up Foundation” (ngu.org) with Dr. Kelly King, EdD, to serve families of learning disabled children. He is o husband, father, and step-fother, who with his wife Selene Rangel-Cox, founded the “Never Give Up Wellness Center” (ngubhs.com), and with his brother Daniel Cox, founded both the residential “Never Give Up Youth Healing Center” (nguyouth.com), and “Strong Minds Mental Health Addiction and Therapy,” an out-patient, sober-living facility for adults. Matthew lives in Las Vegas.
Erica Walkingstick
Erica WalkingStick is an author, course designer, and professional development leader who’s applied Temperament Theory to improve teaching, learning, and human relations since 1998. Her books, workbooks, courses and training programs have been used by families, couples, therapists, K-12 teachers, government agencies, non-profits serving youth, and Fortune 100 companies. She is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, living in Los Angeles.